Classmate Email Addresses
The classmate email addresses below are being provided here temporarily to aid those classmates listed in verifying the site has the correct email address for them under their classmate profile. The profiles in the Classmates list for these folks have all been updated with the current email addresses shown for them here. You'll find two lists of email addresses below:
- Verified email addresses which have verified as accurate in the Dec/22 time frame through email exchanges with their owners.
- Validated but unverified email addresses: This list came from one that was maintained over the years by Pat with updates folks would send her. These emails are valid in that an email to them was not rejected by the mail servers. But no response was received from the associated classmate so we don't know if the classmate is actually receiving these emails any longer. If you see yourself on this list, then please Contact us to provide your correct address information.
The plan is to remove the view of these lists from the site after folks have had a few weeks time to veify their address is accurate. Since we've ensured these addresses have now been included in each person's classmate profile, keeping the list here isn't needed to communicate with them and presents the concern that some internet troll might snatch them for use in spamming operations.
Note that the email addresses in the list here are the same as those configured (but not displayed) under each correspondingly named classmate profile listed earlier above. Note though, that the email adddress list here does not cover all the profiles that are listed above. That is, some of the classmate profiles above are for classmates not named in the below email addresses list. Those other profiles may not have an email address configured or may have one that isn't included in the list below. For help ensuring the email addresses for those other profiles are correct and for help ensuring the general information, such as home mailing address, for any profile is correct, refer to these User Tips.